
Aceh is located at the northern tip of the island of Sumatra and has a unique culture, customs, culinary specialties, and beautiful landscapes. Not only that, but Aceh is also one of the largest Arabica coffee production centers not only in Indonesia but also in the whole of Asia. The coffee from here is also known as "Gayo" coffee because of the characteristic aroma and taste of the coffee.


Plantations in Gayo, Central Aceh are on average at an altitude of 1,000 to 1,200 meters above sea level. The location is around the city of Takengon and close to Lake Tawar. Most of the people living in this area are the native Gayo people.


Gayo coffee's strong flavor, and low acidity accompanied by a hint of spice, makes it extremely popular, especially in the United States and Europe. The clean character makes it suitable for house blends. The characteristic of Gayo Arabica Coffee is that it tends to have a slightly inconsistent taste. This is because coffee plantations in the Gayo highlands areas have different heights and various cultivation methods resulting in greater variability in physical quality and taste.


Bali is one of the largest islands in central Indonesia famous for its tourist attractions because of its natural beauty and unique culture. Bali also has several areas that produce coffee such as Kintamani, Batu Kaang, and Mount Agung.


One of the most popular varieties is Kintamani Bali coffee, which is produced from the arabica coffee plant that is grown in the Kintamani highlands, at an altitude of nine hundred meters above sea level. Located on the slopes of the Batur volcano, Kintamani has cold and dry air with significant rainfall year-round. Also, the coffee tree is planted alongside other plants. With a distinctive taste, citrus aroma, and low acidity, this coffee is in great demand globally.


The taste of Kintamani Bali Arabica coffee is neither too bitter nor astringent. This is a result of the concern that Kintamani Bali farmers have towards the picking procedures during the harvest which is done exclusively by hand. This is intended to ensure the quality of the Kintamani coffee beans is always maintained.


Java covers a vast area and is one of the most densely populated areas in Indonesia. Located in the center of Indonesia, the island of Java is surrounded by many volcanic mountains which make the soil extremely fertile and facilitate the cultivation of various crops, including coffee.


Coffee in the Java area was first cultivated by the Dutch colonials in the 18th century on large plantations. Today, many types of coffee originate from Java, from different regions from the west, center, and East Java. Coffee from West Java has more fruity characteristics because it is grown at a high altitude and the coffee plants are surrounded by fruit trees, while coffee from central and eastern Java has a characteristic taste that is more floral. Javanese coffee has a slightly different shape from coffee originating from Sumatra and Sulawesi and possesses a variety of assorted flavors and distinctive characteristics from each region on the island of Java.


The most well-known coffees from Java are those from West Java such as Garut, Pangalengan, Halu, and Puntang, and in Central Java Robusta Temanggung and Argopuro, and finally Ijen coffee from East Java.


Kalimantan is located in the northern-central part of Indonesia. Kalimantan is famous for its oil palm plantation areas but also has several large coffee plantations in several areas. The types of coffee that are widely grown and developed in Kalimantan are robusta and liberica coffee beans due to the lowlands. Kalimantan robusta coffee beans have a mild taste, not too bitter and not too sour and liberica has the aroma of jackfruit, black tea, spicy, and caramel.


Papua is located at the eastern end of the territory of Indonesia. Papua has natural and fertile soil that also produces many natural products such as minerals and mining materials. Papua has several coffee-producing areas such as Wamena and Yahukimo.


Produced in the mountainous central region of Papua, Wamena Papua coffee is known for its balanced and subtle taste. The coffee has an aroma with a blend of floral, spicy, and caramel and its taste is a blend of nutty, orange, and herbal flavors. Coffee in Wamena is an Arabica variety from India. Developed using the Bourbon Cultivar technique, Wamena coffee is often compared to Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee.


Besides the Baliem and Nabire Valleys, Papua province has coffee plantations in other areas, namely Yahukimo, Arfak, Sigri, Sorong, Samari, and several other places. Papuan coffee also has a strong body, medium acidity, and a clean aftertaste.


Sumatra is located in the western part of Indonesia which has several coffee plantations and has distinctive vegetation characteristics and typical soil for growing Sumatran coffee. Sumatra is the area with the greatest volume of coffee production in Indonesia.


Sumatran coffee is one of the coffee varieties originating from Indonesia which has an exceptionally smooth texture and complex taste profile. Most Sumatran coffees are dry-processed, natural, wine-processed and some are semi-washed.


Sumatran coffee is famous for Mandailing and Lintong coffee which grows on the southern coast of the island of Sumatra and there are several other coffee-producing areas such as Jambi, Simalungun, Kerinci, and Lampung. These coffee beans give an “earthy,” chocolatey, fruity, and spicy taste. The western part of Sumatra produces a lot of arabica coffee because it has a higher plateau around 1,200-1,600 meters above sea level compared to the eastern part of Sumatra such as Lampung which has a lower altitude and produces more Robusta coffee. Sumatran coffee beans are unique, which makes them some of the most sought-after coffee varieties in the world.


Flores Island is in the province of East Nusa Tenggara and forms part of the Lesser Sunda Islands group with Bali and West Nusa Tenggara. Its name comes from the Portuguese, “cabo de flores” which means flower. The main coffee variety is Flores Bajawa, which is cultivated through organic farming practices, the Bajawa tribes have cultivated coffee plants for generations. Located in the highlands between Inerie and Abulobo volcanos with an elevation between 1,000 - 1,550 meters above sea level and an average temperature of 15-25 °C, this area is ideal for arabica coffee cultivation.


Sulawesi is in the northeast of Indonesia at the intersection of three plates, namely the Eurasian Plate, the Indo-Australian Plate, and the Pacific Plate which means that Sulawesi has a complex tectonic structure. Sulawesi has several coffee-producing areas such as Toraja and Sojol. In general, typical Sulawesi coffee has a unique taste character with a strong aroma and slightly savory taste. Coffee grown in Central Sulawesi is of the robusta type, although some coffees are Arabica, such as Sojo and Toraja from South Sulawesi.


Toraja coffee is one of the most popular and highest quality coffee varieties from Indonesia. This coffee, which comes from the land of Toraja, South Sulawesi, has a distinctive taste and unique character. With the Latin name Celeber Kalosi, Toraja coffee has been known by coffee connoisseurs around the world due to its delicious and distinctive taste. Coffee trees in this area are planted side by side with various spice plants, so it is not surprising that Toraja coffee has a fragrant and distinctive aroma.

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